Radiocontrol Scanreco RC400 8 functions suitable for retrofit.
Delivery time: 3/4 weeks.
Radiocontrol Scanreco is a remote control system suitable for the progressive control of truck mounted crane booms.
Scanreco RC 400 provides the operator with a safe, handy, quick and precise remote control system..
RC 400 , suitable for loading and unloading cranes, complete with:
. receiver G2B
. push button 8 levers
. cable 10 mt long
. 2 batteries
. battery charger
. Voltage 12 V or 24 V (on choice)
. Kit for retrofit composed of:
1) multifunction hydraulic block MOD09 (suitable for cranes with control on the opposite side of the valve bank), 8 functions; lever distance 40/46 (on choice, suitable for lever with 13+13 mm/ 20 + 20 mm stoke,
TYPE | A (mm) |
B (mm) |
C (mm) |
8 functions | 40 | 342 | 360 |
46 | 384 | 402 |
2) Hydraulic pump unit: